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User sessions

The server uses @fastify/secure-session to store user session data as an encrypted, secure, HTTP-only cookie.


This techniques requires a COOKIE_KEY environment variable. Generate one using the following command:

$ yarn generate-cookie-key

Use a different COOKIE_KEY for each environment, and do not save it in your repository.


In request handlers, access the session data using request.session:

// get session data
// set session data
request.session.set("myKey", "myValue");

User access token

For convenience, request a Swan user access token directly using request.accessToken:

const accessToken = request.accessToken;

// user isn't logged in
if (accessToken == undefined) {
return reply.status(401).send("Unauthorized");
} else {
// do something with `accessToken`

Learn more about Swan and access tokens in our main docs.

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