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Route focus

In order to improve accessibility for people using keyboard navigation and/or screen readers, we provide an opt-in hook that can focus the updated area on page when the route changes.

That makes navigation easier by moving the navigation to the relevant area, thus removing the need to press the Tab key to get there after, as there's an intent to navigate.

import { useFocusReset } from "@swan-io/chicane";
import { useRef } from "react";

export const App = () => {
const route = Router.useRoute(["Home", "UserArea"]);
const containerRef = useRef(null);

useFocusReset({ route, containerRef });

return (
<Header />

<div ref={containerRef}>
.with({ name: "Home" }, () => <Home />)
.with({ name: "UserArea" }, () => <UserArea />)
.otherwise(() => (
<NotFound />