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Swan uses OAuth2 for authentication. Learn more about Swan and OAuth2 in our main docs.

GET /auth/login

This endpoint redirects to the Swan OAuth2 server and performs the correct flow based on given parameters.

Generic query params

  • scope: additional OAuth2 scopes (always includes openid and offline)
  • identificationLevel: level of identification for the user to verify their identity (Expert, PVID, or QES)

Specific params

For some specific flows, the server needs to perform an action after the user is authentified. The server will encode the information in the OAuth2 flow's state.

Login and redirectionredirectToabsolute path (such as /path/to/x) where the user will be redirected after the authentication flow
Onboarding finalizationonboardingIdID for the onboarding the user is finalizing
Account membership invitationaccountMembershipIdID for the account membership to which you're binding the user

You must use the Banking URL (${CLIENT_BANKING_URL}/auth/login?...) to generate onboarding links. This ensures the session cookie is written on the correct domain, avoiding an unnecessary login flow.

GET /auth/callback

This endpoint is where Swan's OAuth2 server redirects to, permorming the necessary actions based on the received state.

POST /auth/logout

This endpoint clears the user session.

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