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Form Validation

A common need in applications is to validate user-input before sending it to the server.

Let's assume we have a form with the following fields:

type FormInput = {
id: string;
amount: number;

One can use exceptions:

const validate = (input: FormInput) => {
if ( !== 24) {
throw new Error("Input ID is invalid");
if (input.amount <= 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid amount");

In that case, we'd use a try statement:

try {
const sanitized = sanitize(input);

// send to the server
} catch (err) {

Or one can return errors from the validate function:

const validate = (input: FormInput) => {
const errors = [];
if ( !== 24) {
errors.push("Input ID is invalid");
if (input.amount <= 0) {
errors.push("Invalid amount");
return errors;

Which would be consumed like the following:

const sanitized = sanitize(input);
const errors = validate(sanitized);
if (errors.length) {
// show the errors
} else {
// send to the server

In both cases, we are required to have handle the validation state manually, which increases complexity and can lead to UI inconsistencies. Let's see how we can leverage the Result type for such patterns:

import { Result } from "@swan-io/boxed";

const validate = (input: FormInput): Result<FormInput, Array<string>> => {
const errors = [];
const id =;
if (id.length !== 24) {
errors.push("Input ID is invalid");
if (input.amount <= 0) {
errors.push("Invalid amount");

// We can directly return a sanitized version if the validation passed
return errors.length === 0
? Result.Ok({ ...input, id })
: Result.Error(errors);

Here, the validate return value can directly give you the sanitized input or the validation errors, depending on which case you're in.

We can then store the Result directly:

// A single codepath for handling the validation
const validation = validate(input);


Error: () => {} // do nothing
Ok: (sanitizedInput) => {

// and pattern match in the UI code
onChange={id => setInput({...input, id}))}
Ok: () => false,
Error: (errors) => errors.includes("Input ID is invalid"),