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Nested optional values

Managing optionality with undefined and null can lead to tedious code, especially when dealing with default values.

Let's assume that we have the following values in scope:

declare var input: string | undefined;
declare function parseInput(input: string): Array<string>;
declare function transform(input: Array<string>): Array<string> | undefined;
declare function print(input: Array<string>): string;
declare function prettify(input: string): string;

Here, parse always returns an Array<string>, and transform can return either an Array<string> or undefined.

Handling this using null or undefined values would lead to code like the following:

const parsed = input != undefined ? parseInput(input) : undefined;
// Keep the `parsed` value if `transform` doesn't output
const transformed =
parsed != undefined ? transform(parsed) ?? parsed : undefined;
// Fallback at the end
const printed = transformed != undefined ? print(transformed) : undefined;
const value = printed != undefined ? prettify(printed) : "fallback";

We lose a lot of the code intent, as we're distracted with some unnecessary complexity.

Now, let's tweak our values so that we use the Option type instead of undefined:

declare var input: Option<string>;
declare function parseInput(input: string): Array<string>;
declare function transform(input: Array<string>): Option<Array<string>>;
declare function print(input: Array<string>): string;
declare function prettify(input: string): string;

Using Option, the same code as above can be written as follows:


Here, the intent of the code is clearly represented, making it much easier to follow.

If we need quick interop with existing code returning undefined or null values, Boxed provides transformers:

If we were to assume again that we have:

declare var input: string | undefined;
declare function parseInput(input: string): Array<string>;
declare function transform(input: Array<string>): Array<string> | undefined;
declare function print(input: Array<string>): string;
declare function prettify(input: string): string;

We'd simplfy need to write the following:

.flatMap((input) => Option.fromNullable(transform(input)))