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Along with the main navigation, the account page should include the following tabs:

  • Main IBAN tab: each account has a single, main IBAN
  • Virtual IBAN tab: accounts can have zero, one, several virtual IBANs
  • Settings tab: access or change account name, language, and documents


The body of the main IBAN tab should include the following content:

  • Details
    • IBAN (click to copy)
    • BIC (click to copy)
    • Account holder (name)
  • Address
    • Address
    • City
    • Zip code
    • Country

Screenshot of the main IBAN tab with sample content

Virtual IBANs

The body of the virtual IBANs tab should include the following content:

  • Add new button
  • List of virtual IBANs
    • IBAN (click to copy)
    • BIC (click to copy)
    • Status
    • Cancel button for enabled virtual IBANs

Screenshot of the virtual IBANs tab with sample content

Add a new virtual IBAN

Adding a new virtual IBAN calls the addVirtualIbanEntry mutation. The function works instantly, so no other front displays are needed; the new virtual IBAN appears on the list as soon as it's available.

Cancel a virtual IBAN

Users should be able to cancel enabled virtual IBANs anytime.

It's not quite the same as deleting an IBAN, which isn't possible, but the end-user function is the same: when a user cancels a virtual IBAN, it won't be available to send or receive payments.

Focused screenshot of canceling a virtual IBAN button and modal


The body of the settings tab should include the following content:

  • Details (uses the updateAccount mutation)
    • Name field (name)
    • Official document language field with dropdown to choose language (language)
  • Contracts
    • Swan's terms and conditions with the option to open in a new window (generate the URL based on the accountCountry and current location)
For companies only

If the accountHolder is a company, add a field for the vatNumber that uses the updateAccountHolder mutation.

Screenshot of the settings tab with sample content

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