Account memberships provide account access to as many people as needed with various levels of permission. Learn more about account memberships in our main documentation.
Primary members content
Along with the main navigation, the members page should include the following content:
- Button to add a new account membership
- Filters for status and permission type
- List of current account memberships
- Full name
- Permissions (can view account, can initiate payments, can manage memberships, and can manage beneficiaries)
- Phone number
- Current status
Add a new account member
When adding a new account member, the user should provide the following information about that person:
- First or given name
- Last or family name
- Phone number
- Birth date
- Permissions checkboxes (can view account, can initiate payments, can manage memberships, and can manage beneficiaries)
When the user clicks Send invitation, an invitation is sent to the potential new account member by email, which they must open and accept.
🇩🇪 Germany
For German accounts, add a second step asking for the residency address of the potential new account member. If that address in Germany, you must also collect their tax identification number (Steuer-Identifikationsnummer).